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Accessibility Services

Visit Feinberg Library

Physical Spaces

Feinberg Library occupies 3 floors of one building. The building has automatic entrance doors, elevator access to all floors, ADA compliant restrooms on the second floor, and lowered water fountains on each floor.

Self-serve scanning machines (KIC or scannex) on all 3 floors at no cost to students or the public, and resulting scans can be emailed or saved to a personal flash drive. According to the manufacturer, “KIC ADA features support your patrons with disabilities…. Features include audio output of text, wheelchair accessibility, huge buttons and huge display screens, and button function audio mode.”

A Deep Quiet study area is located on the 2nd floor (Level Two)—ask for directions to the location at the main Service Desk or see the map of the Library 2nd Floor. This area is for individual study only. Quiet electronic devices are allowed.

Accommodative seating is spread out across the building.

The 4 classrooms in the library building all have accommodative seating, but none have built in assistive listening devices.

The library book stacks are almost all spaced properly to accommodate wheelchair access in width, but most are not accommodating in height. Staff are available to assist patrons with locating items and retrieval from tall shelves.

Headphone ports are available at all computer workstations.

Service and support animals should be registered through the Accessibility Support Office.

Library reference services are conducted in person, via accessible web chat and email, and by appointment.

Contact Library Help Services

Library instruction takes place in live classrooms with accommodations upon request, or within online classes on Brightspace and Zoom, both platforms featuring accommodations.

Interlibrary Loan through ILLIAD software offers accessible PDF article copies. Audio, large-print, or Braille versions of books may be available through Interlibrary Loan.

Locating, retrieval, printing and scanning assistance is available.

Web and Online Resources

Library web pages primarily fall inside the main college web and adhere to college web guidelines that meet accessibility standards, are tested and remediated on the same schedules, and use the same content systems and programming.

Some instructional and resource web pages utilize external vendor interfaces, and are regularly reviewed for accessibility and remediated if possible. Examples include Springshare Libguides, Alma and Primo, EBSCO, Proquest, and others.

As part of SUNY, Plattsburgh has access to shared library services, and shared tools for providing accessible copies of items on request.

Campus and Community Resources

Many campus accommodations are available through the Accessibility Resources Office.

Additional services and equipment available through the Adirondack Regional Technology Center