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Library Guidelines

Food & Drink Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Deposit all recyclable food and drink packaging in the recycling bins located throughout the library.
  • Pack it in, pack it out: carry out any non-disposable dishes, silverware, etc., that you bring into the library.
  • Bring drinks in covered, spill-proof containers or capped bottles.
  • If you must dispose of beverages, pour liquids into the bathroom sink or water fountain before recycling or throwing away the containers.
  • Place food and drink garbage in trash cans carefully to avoid splattering food and drink on the walls and library materials and computer/media equipment.
  • Report accidental spills to the staff as soon as possible.


  • Food and drink are not permitted in Special Collections.
  • Food is not permitted in our deep quiet area on level two.
  • Food is not permitted at any of the computer workstations throughout the library (except for the 1st-floor extended lab area and the 2nd-floor study carrels).
  • Food is not permitted in either of the library’s e-classrooms (FL108 and FL129)
  • Food is not permitted in library student employee public work areas.


By observing our food and drink guidelines, you help to…

  • Promote recycling of appropriate food and drink packaging;
  • Preserve our library collections and protect our facility from pests and harmful molds;
  • Ensure the health and safety of all library users and a long life for our collections, furnishings, and equipment;
  • Respect our hard-working custodial staff by taking responsibility for our personal behavior;
  • Save library funds to purchase materials and equipment in support of the curriculum, rather than to replace items damaged by food and drink.

Learn More

* For more information on Leave No Trace principles, visit the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics website.

This policy was revised with permission from Gustavus Adolphus College.

Family Study Room Guidelines

About the Family Study Room

Feinberg Library’s Family Study Room is a space intended to make life on campus a little easier for students who are parents.

Located on level three in room 315, the space is open to all students with a child under the age of 12 on a first-come, first-served basis. It features toys, comfortable seating, books, a desktop computer, and more.

To use the room, check in and check out.

  1. Stop at the main Service Desk on level two to request access.
  2. When you are finished, please inform our staff at the main Service Desk. You can do so in person or by calling the Desk at extension 5182 from the phone in the room.

Please note: the library does not provide childcare. The Family Study Room is a family-friendly place where students with children can study and work on projects with their children.

Guidelines for Using the Family Study Room

  • A SUNY Plattsburgh ID is required to use the room.
  • Parents are responsible for their children’s safety and behavior.
  • Children in Feinberg Library must be accompanied by an adult at all times. The room is only available for use by SUNY Plattsburgh students when accompanied by a child. We will notify University Police if a child is found unattended anywhere in the library.
  • Students using the room are responsible to ensure respect for the library’s noise-level policy.
  • Please do not leave any personal items in the room. Personal items left in the room will be submitted to Feinberg Library Lost and Found.
  • Library resources are not censored. Parents are responsible for monitoring what their children access, both online and in print.
  • Please clean up after yourself and let us know at the Service Desk if there are any issues with the room that need attention.
  • The computer in the room is for use by the student only.
  • When you are finished using the room, please stop by the main Service Desk on level two to inform our staff. Or, notify staff by calling extension 5182.

Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan

About Interlibrary Loan Policies & Copyright Law

Though ILL is intended to assist in the academic and professional development of our patrons, respect must be given to federal copyright law and national ILL policies. As such, Feinberg Library interlibrary loan services adheres to the American Library Association's guidelines for interlibrary loan policies as well as provisions within federal copyright law. These policies and procedures are inherent and isolated to ILL and should not have any bearing on other library copyright policies (such as reserves). These policies apply to all reproductions and facsimiles made for the express purpose of interlibrary loan.

Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproduction of copyrighted materials.

Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or another reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purposes other than private study, scholarship or research”. If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposed in excess of “fair use”, that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying request if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the request would involve violation of copyright law.

Photography & Videography in Feinberg Library Guidelines


We welcome student, faculty, and staff use of our beautiful Feinberg Library facility for photo and videography projects. Our goal is to support the academic mission of the college. At the same time, we are committed to maintaining the facility for its primary purpose, which is to provide a research and study sanctuary, computing facilities, and work spaces for faculty, staff, and students.

Approval Process for Students, Faculty & Staff

Feinberg Library requires that all photography and videography* sessions in the facility 1) be approved by a Feinberg Library administrator or a library supervisor; and 2) meet the following guidelines:

  • The activity shall not disrupt or in any way interfere with the purpose of Feinberg Library;
  • The activity shall not conflict with the mission and values of SUNY Plattsburgh;
  • Location releases and model releases should be discussed with the Library Director or Assistant Director for Library and Technology Communications when seeking approval;
  • The exact nature of the project should be discussed with a Feinberg Library administrator or a library supervisor when seeking approval.

* Videography refers to the process of capturing moving images on electronic media for storage or streaming.

Approval Process for Persons or Entities Outside of the Campus Community

Please contact SUNY Plattsburgh’s Office of Strategic Communications & Marketing.

Quiet Area Guidelines

All Feinberg Library spaces are Learning Zones, expected to be conducive to studying, researching, and reading.

  • Study Areas — levels one and two. Normal conversation.
  • Quiet Area — level three. Whispered conversations.
  • Deep Quiet Area — room behind reference on level two. Silent zone. No study groups, food, or conversation are allowed. Beverages are allowed. Electronic devices are permitted as long as their use does not produce sound (no noisy keypads, ringers, alerts, etc.).

Signage Guidelines


These guidelines apply to all three levels of Feinberg Library.

Our building signage is intended to convey important information to our visitors, helping them to find the people and services they seek. Our signage is designed to be professional, clear, consistent, well-placed, and in accord with SUNY Plattsburgh’s official standards for graphic design.

We understand that visitors make judgments about a facility and an organization based on signage. Therefore, we strive to create a signage environment that follows a high quality standard.

Messages in our signs are designed to avoid being confusing or frustrating to read. We are careful to consolidate our signs in locations that make sense to visitors, and not place them in a myriad of locations around the building.

Permanent Signage

Feinberg’s permanent signage uses a high-contrast color scheme of dark blue on light silver. The blue type font harmonizes with the building’s main accent color; this font (Univers) is also an approved choice in the college’s design palette.

Temporary Signage

Temporary print signage is placed in approved holders or in our bulletin board locations. No handwritten signs are allowed, except in emergency situations. With the exception of our large-display and special-event artwork, posters are no larger than 11x17. Left or right alignment is preferred for messages with longer text, so as to assist the reader by creating a strong vertical edge.

Print images are high resolution (300 dpi). Electronic images are low resolution (72 dpi). Approved electronic signage may be placed in the slide rotation on building computer screens.