LBGTQAI research is very interdisciplinary and does not provide one stop browsing. So while you may find small clusters of related topics, it is critical to remember you may be looking in other call number areas. For example, a search on transgender people's health results in books in HQ77.8; HQ1075; RA564.9 and RC451.4 as well as some titles in electronic format.
AIDS (disease) should also be spelt out "Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome" to broaden your search results. ex. AIDS (disease) or "Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome"
Be aware that most library catalogs use the Library of Congress subject terms such as Gays; gender identity; lesbians, homophobia, homosexuality; sexual minorities; sexual orientation, transgender people are terms that can help you get started. Use Boolean operators such as "and" to narrow; "or" to broaden, "not" to limit.
Example: searching with the term queer theory brings up 29 results. searching queer theory or homosexuality expands results to 800+ and browsing the titles you can focus on a topic such as gender identity and search for additional resources with subject terms such as transgender identity; gays identity; sexual minorities identity, etc.
You can also combine two topics of interest together such as (homosexuality or gay) and (psychology or stress)
A selection of subject headings are listed below to help start your search.
When you find relevant sources, look at the subject terms listed and try different search strategies to expand your search. if you are retrieving limited results, try the search in the Feinberg library or WorldCat search engines and request items via InterLibrary Loan.
Search for resources available at PSU's Feinberg Library. SUNY Libraries, or Worldwide Libraries, all in one database. You can borrow any resource from other libraries for free by clicking the Get It Now button. It will be delivered to you here at our library typically within 3-14 days depending on the material's location.
Gender & Women's Studies books can be found in the HQ1000- HQ1100's section of the library.
Fiction Titles
If Feinberg does not have the article or book you want--Feinberg can borrow it for you. Articles will be electronically delivered to you and books can be picked up in the library.