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Open Access

Submitting Faculty Work to SOAR

Following the processes put in place by the SUNY Plattsburgh Faculty Senate Resolution on Open Access, submission to SOAR for scholarly articles is now integrated with Watermark associated with the Annual Activity Report and Performance Review. 

When adding a new publication, there is a dropdown that asks:

Under the terms of SUNY Plattsburgh’s Open Access Policy and subject to your publisher’s restrictions, Feinberg Library can place a copy of your scholarly article in SOAR, the SUNY Open Access Repository. For more information on Open Access, including links to the policy and SOAR visit Would you like to include this publication in SOAR?

Selecting "Yes" will refer you to a librarian who will follow up with you to receive formal permission and all necessary information to deposit the publication. Contact Malina Thiede with any questions at

You may also submit scholarly work other than refereed articles to SOAR. Again, contact Malina Thiede at

Submitting Student Work to SOAR

Many SUNY Plattsburgh students are producing papers, posters, and presentations that are of good scholarly quality. If your students are creating such work and you and they would like to make it publicly available, contact Joshua Beatty at

Examples of student work in SOAR include: